Gold Recovery

Green Fiber CPU Processors Gold Recovery

Green Fiber CPU Processors Gold Recovery:

Dear friends, old ceramic CPU processors are very difficult to find in these days. Because their quantity becomes very low. If you are an e-waste recycler or trader. You will find a lot of green CPU processors easily. Many friends requested me about green fiber CPU processors gold recovery. I will show you the easiest method for green fiber CPU processors gold recovery. I will also tell some other options about these processors recycling. You can recycle pin and pinless processors with these methods. If you like our this try then don,t forget to appreciate us and share with your friends.

1st Method:

The first method, I did not do in the video. If you have extra time and want to save acid then this method is for you. Green CPU processors have only tow things which have precious metals.

  • MLCC (Monolithic Ceramic capacitors)
  • Gold plated Pins

If you want to save mlcc then remove mlcc with the help of any tool. I have already made a tutorial on Mlcc recycling.After MLCC removing, only Gold plated pins will be left. These gold plated pins can easily remove the gas torch. Remove all gold plated pins and recycle them like other gold plated pins. I have also made the tutorial about gold plated pins recycling. you can learn by clicking the picture. If you don,t want MLCC then directly use the gas torch and remove both components. After that, you can’t separate them and use only gold plated pins recycling method.

You can save many acids in the first method but need a labor power. I use industrial acids and these acids are very cheap in our region. Because of this, I don’t worry about acid cost and I will neglect MLCC. I will work on whole green CPU processors. I am explaining all procedure step by step below. You can also watch the video for better understand……CLICK NEXT PAGE

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  1. Hi, would you please let us know the percentage concentration of HCl and HNO3 you use. This will help to achieve same result when your method is copied. Thank you for sharing.

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